Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Long Time...No Blog...

My life has felt a bit hectic lately...

It has been quite awhile since I have had the chance to get around to any of my hobbies, including blogging! I haven't been feeling that well lately (I think I am on like day 10 with a fever over 100) which isn't helping my lack of time situation. To top it off the doctor suspects that Chase has Roseola which has resulted in him not being able to go to daycare since last Friday! Boris and I are both feeling extreme guilt for missing so much work. Not to mention that "cranky baby" sure does take a lot of work!

The most exciting piece of news that I have is that we bought a Porsche Boxster the other weekend! It is wonderful - as soon as I get a spare minute to take pictures I will post them. The second exciting piece of news is that I did find a little bit of time to start working on a redwork quilt (thanks to some grandma babysitting). I can't wait until I can escape for another afternoon and finish it. It is much more traditional than my usual style but I like it anyways...

More to come...hopefully soon....

1 comment:

  1. kate, if you need a hand... let me know. Everyone in our family has had roseola before. So, I'd be happy to take Chase.
