Monday, November 17, 2008

Holiday Rush

Based on blogs and emails it sounds like everyone I know is basking in holiday cheer - for some reason the holidays don't have quite the same effect on me....

To me the holidays are crowds at the malls, massive lists of things that need to get done, and dates that creep up on me way faster than they should. It's only mid-November and I'm already freaking out about how I need to reserve a turkey and ham for Thanksgiving, how I need to start / finish Christmas shopping, whether nor not I should make holiday cookies or holiday cards this year, how I'm going to make this year special for Chase, how I need to decorate, how we are going to budget for the extra holiday spending, what outfit Chase is going to wear for the holidays, what silly gift I should pick up for the work events that I don't really want to participate in because all the stress from things that came earlier in the above list make me a bit grumpy, etc, etc, etc. Needless to say the holidays bring out the absolute worst in my OCD - there are so many self-inflicted obligations to fill and so many lists to make, it could make a girl go crazy!

So for all of you out there with holiday cheer - take pity on us poor OCD, type A, overachieving, stress balls who always take on too much... We all know that we need to just take chill pills and that all of the above can be avoided but we just can't help ourselves... it's the way we are...

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