Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Love of Crocs

Chase is in love with Crocs...

Every time we go by the Croc cart at a mall he points at the Crocs and asks for more and cries when we leave. He has also taken up the habit of carrying our Crocs around the house. The most recent adorable Croc loving thing that Chase has started doing is that every morning he puts on Boris' Crocs. It is adorable.


  1. That is the cutest thing I have ever seen! There is something magical about crocs to toddlers. AJ still sleeps in his. I wonder if it is the independence of being able to put them on...and the comfort piece too...

    The first picture is adorable. You are such a talented photographer! I wish I had your skills.

  2. OK... stop it, he looks so good in that shirt. Seriously.
