Saturday, November 8, 2008


One of my neighbors is a total rock star seamstress ( and yesterday I went to a craft fair that she was having. I bought an adorable kiddo apron and I won a really cool scarf in a raffle (the first picture below). I love the brown and blue together! Well the scarf inspired me to learn how to make button holes and make a few scarves of my own. The first one is for Chase and I used a nickel instead of a button - I think it is adorable. The second one is for me - I used flannel on the front and fleece on the back so it is reversible. I also like that it is a bit more light weight (and can be used during the fall) since the other one is really warm and is more of a winter scarf. So thanks to my neighbor for the great idea!!!

1 comment:

  1. hey! come visit my etsy shop! i know we were going to partner... but i figure it might work better or the same to have seperate ones. i hearted you, however, because you have the coolest necklaces EVER.
