Sunday, December 14, 2008

Chase is Already a Criminal

Notice Chase's adorable new Crocs... well there is a story that goes along with them...

Last night Chase received a pair of new Crocs (the kid has an obsession with Crocs and always screams in delight when he sees the Croc stand at mall).  So while we were at the mall we thought that we would buy him some new Jibbets.  I bought him a sheep, a Sponge Bob, a lizard, and a Boots the Monkey.  Well after Jibbet shopping we went and let Chase play on the giant fruit at the mall - which is absolutely loved.  The funny thing was that the entire time he played he had a death grip on his Sponge Bob and sheep Jibbet.  He wouldn't let go of them.  So we finally finished up playing and went home but when we got to the door to put on coats, Pops noticed that there was an additional big eyed puppy Jibbet.  Well apparently Chase has snatched the Jibbet while I was looking at other ones without me realizing it and had shop lifted it!  Whoops - my baby is already a criminal.

PS.  Check out Chase's poor nose - he scratched it while playing yesterday...

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