Friday, March 13, 2009

Inspired by Capricious Again

I was inspired by Capricious again - she recently bought some of the cutest tags on Etsy and today (while I should have been resting) I decided to be a bad bad sick person and craft for a little bit. There is only so much laying in bed one can do. Besides I have been seriously neglecting preparing for a craft fair I intend to do in April and I thought these would be perfect small items to sell!

The "With All My Heart" tags are definitely my favorite, Boris liked the tree ones the best. Sorry about the owls and shoes being sideways but I can't figure out how to make the blog rotate them.

Also I promise to post some of the pictures of my fired and finished jewelry soon - when I get around to taking pictures of them...oh yeah and I finished the shrug too - pictures of that coming soon also!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you guys are going to inspire me too! How in the hell am I supposed to get my knitting done when I want to do paper crafts now?
