Saturday, March 21, 2009


This morning Chase managed to get in all sorts of trouble...

The most disturbing thing is that he learned how to open doors. He can now escape any room we shut him into! Time for child locks...we are in fact going to go purchase more of them this afternoon.

Funny things Chase said in the last few days:
- Yesterday Chase was throwing goldfish on the floor and watching the dogs eat them and I said "Oh shoot!!!" and Chase looked at me and said "Oh shoot! Buggy eat it!"
- This morning I woke up to Chase saying "Tiptoe Tiptoe Tiptoe" (which is what they say in the bear hunt book when they are in the cave looking for the bear)

Here is Chase after dumping an entire box of Corn Pops onto he couch - he thought it was a brilliant idea.

Here is Chase practicing escaping with his newly discovered door opening skills...


  1. I can't believe he can talk that much! How fun! We will never be done "childproofing" our houses... I think that word doesn't really exist :)

  2. My kids got in a lot of trouble in those jammies, too. maybe they are jinxed?
