Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Everyone Loves Free Stuff

As mentioned in my previous blog entry, Philigry is doing a give-away. I decided that sounded like a lot of fun so I'm going to do one too (again not sure if enough people check out my blog but I thought I would give it a whirl).

- One entry for leaving a comment.
- An additional entry for each new person that leaves a comment saying that they heard about my blog from you (the new person and you will both get an entry).
- One entry for mentioning the give away on your blog (just be sure to leave me a comment letting me know you did that).
- One entry for checking out my Etsy shop (www.beyondimagination.etsy.com) - leave me a comment letting me know you did this too.
- I will do the drawing on May 8th.

I decided to go with jewelry since most of the people I know either knit, scrapbook, crochet, or sew so I figured anything I would give away in those areas people could make for themselves.

Also, I actually have 3 "prizes"... no winning more than once so there will be 3 winners.

Give-Away 1 - Two Scrabble Tile Pendants

Give-Away 2 - Book Thong

Give-Away 3 - Glass Tile pendant


  1. So excited about this!!! I'm in love with your jewelry!

  2. I blogged about your giveaway!

  3. I always check out your Etsy shop for new and exciting things!

  4. I will send Jess over...I should get credit for that too!

  5. This is so great! I love love love your jewelry and I wear both pieces I bought every week.

  6. Posted a blog post on the giveaway!

  7. I have my eye on that crescent pendant. Your Etsy shop is so affordable! I there next month, maybe I'll buy it if some hasn't already!

  8. I'm leaving comments on my friends blogs to come over for the giveaway. This is so exciting. Maybe once I'm done with my knitting projects for other people, I'll knit something to giveaway. Like those hand warmers!

  9. LOOOOVE what you did with the Scrabble tiles!

  10. The silver "love" pendant in your Etsy shop is great - the charm is just the right added touch!
