Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Because Everyone Needs a Little Poetry in Their Life

I used to enjoy writing poetry but I haven't written anything in a long time. For some reason recently I was inspired to jot this one down...

it's the way you look
        at me
     to me
             even in my most imperfect moments
        every memory is beautiful
              those fleeting seconds
murmur by
                      too quickly
  in the spaces         between breaths
and i wonder if
     the way you look
        at me
     to me
             will ever change
how could it?

Here is a very old poem I wrote but it is one of my favorites.


there are nights
        when shards of light
                piercing tightly closed blinds
        filter through heavy eyelids
                birthing ruby fireflies
                of moonlight
                           that       dance
        in between heavy sighs
        to the rhythm
            of summer air
                    cooling tender flesh
            that fluctuates
            between hot
                         and hot
                    against my cheek
                           the quiet before the storm


  1. Hi! I'm jumping over from Little Bit Funky. Your necklaces in your shop are SO adorable!! Thanks for the generous opportunity to win won! I'm definitely going to bookmark your shop! :)

  2. Thanks for the great giveaway on Little Bit Funky. I am crossing my fingers!

  3. Came over here fromm "Little Bit Funky". Love your shop, I'm going to say a little prayer! Also, love your poetry.

  4. such beautiful poetry and talent! thanks for sharing both!

  5. Yay for the giveaway!!! I am so in love with the bird necklace! But then again...I love everything you create!

  6. Love your poetry. I used to write poetry in high school, but since haven't. Yours really inspired me.
