Friday, July 31, 2009

Why I love Capricious


A Capricious Perspective happens to be one of my dearest friends in the world. Every Thursday night her and I go out to escape life for a few hours over dinner, dessert, drinks, shopping, pedicures, or whatever suits our fancy that night. I look forward to my Thursday nights all week long and there are some weeks where I swear it is all that gets me through one week and on onto the next week.
This week we did our usual dinner date but we followed it up with some hilarious shopping where Capricious proceeded to try on every outrageous pair of shoes she could find (I wonder if it is healthy to laugh as hard as we did). We ended our shoe shopping adventure by buying matching sets of neon socks in six different colors. The best thing about the socks is that every time I wear them it will make me smile because it will remind me that I have a friend that I can let all my guards down around and it will remind me that every Thursday night I can just be myself, say whatever I want to say, and not be judged. Everyone should have a friend like that right?


  1. I love you too...& our Thursday nights...& my neon socks!

  2. Thanks for stopping by our blog! Several things here..., yeah! everyone should have a friend like that (and a Thurs. night like that, truth be known!:) what a precious blessing!
    ...your son is so adorable! the professional pics you had made recently turned out so cute!
    ...and keep rocking the neon. makes me want to throw my hair in a side ponytail, tight roll my jeans, and find some neon colored LA Gears to match (i hope the 80's aren't lost on you here!) LOL!

    blessings to your family and the hard, but wonderful, job that is mommyhood!

  3. Awww. I got the capricious part covered! But I need more Another Ordinary Life in my life. You guys are so fun! I miss you both so much. You're a true treasure to hang out with and I'm always so glad we you invite me to your Thursday outings when I'm in town. Chance is already asking when I'm coming out again. If only airplane tickets grew on trees.
