Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Boxy Pouch

I was recently inspired by African Kelli and Handmade by Hooli to make a little boxy zipper pouch.

Things that worked out well:
- I have never sewn a zipper before and it ended up being a lot easier than I thought it would be.
- I used fusible fleece to line the outside of the pouch which made it really sturdy.
- I love that this pattern didn't take much fabric at all! Also I think this would be very easy to alter to any size.

Things that I will try to change next time:
- Like Hooli I HATE the raw edges on the original pattern so I attempted what Hooli recommended and I sewed the lining as a separate bag and then slipped it inside the main bag. I am not as good of a seamstress as Hooli so my edge where I sewed the lining in looks pretty sloppy. I will have to work on a better method for that. Also I think next time I will make the lining slightly smaller than the outside of the pouch. At least there are no unfinished edges...
- I should have added a handle, it would have made it more useable.



  1. OMG, you amaze me. Maybe one day I will be brave enough to attempt a zipper...with you by my side...

  2. Work it! I am telling you -- the raw edges are a serious flaw with that pattern. I've got to play around with it some more to perfect it, put it in a PDF and re-post. Plus, wouldn't it be fun in a bigger makeup bag size?
    Bravo for busting out the sewing machine and whipping this baby up!
