Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What Love Looks Like

Today my throat hurt, but when I got home from work this is what was waiting for me from my was what love looked like today...

As for a crafting update, because I can't seem to help myself, I took on an embroidery commission (which after hours of cursing at my embroidery machine - which wasn't working because I put the needle in wrong - yes, user error strikes again) resulted in the below towel. I was at least happy with the final result.

Since I had such a bad experience with the towel I had to make something to redeem my embroidery machine so I ended up making this little key chain for Chase's new backpack (explained below).

The below two pictures are what love looked like a few days ago...

Chase is being moved up to the next class level at his ridiculously overpriced daycare. What does that mean to me? It means that he is now required to wear a uniform. So on this particular day, love not only looked like an expensive daycare bill, but it also looked like four $20 shirts (yes freaking $20 for a shirt for a 2 year old) and a matching daycare backpack (which apparently ALL children are required to buy, hence the needing of the initials key chain - man those daycare people know how to squeeze the last penny out of sucker parents like me). Imagine how much the pants, long sleeve shirts, sweat shirts, shorts, etc are going to cost!!! It is a bit horrifying. Me and Boris = In love with Chase = Chumps.

But see how cute he can we not love such a cutie?!


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