Monday, October 12, 2009

I could eat cookies all winter long...

Chase's daycare was closed today so I got to spend a day in stay at home mom land. It was quite the adventure!

We made 3 Ingredient Pumpkin Cookies. They were AMAZING! I'm hooked.

1 Box of Spice Cake
1 15 oz can of Pumpkin
1 Cup of Chocolate Chips
(I also added 1/4 cup of flour because we are high altitude)

Mix ingredients together, drop onto cookie sheets and bake at 350 degrees. The recipe I used said about 10 minutes but my cookies took more like 14 minutes. I used the toothpick method to check them and they are perfect.

Here are a few cookies that Chase decorated.

I put a little bit of butter cream glaze on mine.

1 tablespoon of butter
Powdered Sugar
Splash of milk

Mix together and drizzle on top.

Chase and I also decided to make Candy Corn bark.

1 bag of milk chocolate chips
1/2 cup of white chocolate chips
Candy corn

Melt the chocolate. Pour the milk chocolate in a pan (I lined mine with parchment paper) and then drizzle the white chocolate on top. Use a toothpick to marble to chocolate. Add Candy Corn on top. We were also going to use pretzels but I forgot to add them. The only thing that didn't work out is that I think the pan I used was a bit too small so the final result was thicker than I wanted.

Tomorrow it's back to work but it was a fun day at home...


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