Saturday, June 19, 2010



You probably wonder why I haven't been blogging lately. I could probably say that it is because it is summer and the weather has been nicer or because I have been busy at work or because I've had a bad cold but the truth is that the major distractor lately has been the Fox TV series Bones. I am hooked, in love in fact. I have already watched all 5 seasons and I can't wait for the next season to come out. The show is about a forensic anthropologist and her partner who is an FBI agent (and is played by the ever hot David Boreanaz - I became hooked on him during Buffy the Vampire slayer).

I love the series so much that I decided to give the books the show was based off of a go. The first book is De Ja Dead. I must admit that it starts off a little bit slow and it may have slightly too many historical side tracks for me but overall it was fun to read. I am half way through the second book already.


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