Saturday, September 22, 2012

Happy Birthday Chase

Chase turns 5 on Tuesday so we had his birthday party today.

We started the day at the Florissant Fossil Quarry.  It was quite the haul out there but very cool.  They have pieces of rock laying out to dry that they pulled out of the quarry and you use razor blades to split open the layers of rock and "find" the fossils.

We found a few bugs and quite a few leaves.

Chase enjoyed smashing things with his rock hammer.

After that we went to a wolf conservation.

I think the boys liked the chickens as much as they liked the wolves / coyotes / and foxes.

The wolves were beautiful and had ferocious bites (you could literally hear them snapping the meat chunks being tossed to them) and beautiful howls.

Then we went back to the house for a party / snacks / cake.  Grammy and Pops brought quite the fun cake...

Chase blew out the candles while everyone was still singing.

And the best part - tons of presents - he was very excited about that part...this is the first year he has REALLY gotten into opening gifts...

Happy birthday to my wonderful boy!!!  I hope it was the perfect day for him.

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