Sunday, August 17, 2014

New Shoes

Chase goes back to school in a week so it was time for a new pair of shoes. He got his first pair of laced shoes!  Airwalks (what all the cool kids wore when I was a kid - I have a soft spot for "skater shoes").  He is getting so big!

Keira also got her first pair of shoes. If you have a baby I totally recommend Payless vs name brand shoes (only $5 for a pair of baby shoes whoop whoop)!  They don't wear them for very long anyways. 

We also adventured to the Aurora mall for the first time.  It was like a walk down memory lane. They had two oriental gift stores, a Spencers, Pet City, and an Arcade in the mall!  They also had a train the drove people around in the mall - seriously?!  Chase's favorite part were the huge bubble gum machine displays every 15 feet (he has dreams of returning with a bucket full of quarters). 

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