Saturday, October 31, 2015

Fall Catch Up

We have had a busy last few weeks!

Chase competed in his first Karate tournament and won third place in patterns.

Chase had his Night of the Notables (a Colorado History school event).  He was William Byers the creator of the Rocky Mountain News for the event.

We celebrated Uncle G's birthday with some Voo Doo donuts.

Chase completed his red stripe Karate testing and passed with flying colors - what a rock star! 

We hit Boo at the Zoo.

I cut my hair and got my nose pierced.

And a Halloween Sneak Peek from the school parades...

Chase is going to be a Ninja.

Keira was going to be a Ninja as well but after experiencing Boo at the Zoo and figuring out what Halloween was all about she changed her mind last minute and insisted on being Minnie Mouse.

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