Friday, February 12, 2016


It has been quite the month so far.

The Broncos won the Superbowl.

Keira got some new princess shoes.

The biggest change in our lives is that sadly it was time for us to say goodbye to Jaxx. He was such a sweet dog and we will miss him dearly but we are all glad he isn't suffering anymore. 

I liked to think of him as "my dog" because I am convinced I was his favorite person...

...but everyone is going to miss him...he had the funniest overbite and was addicted to playing fetch...and let's be honest Bichons are like adorable white teddy bears. 

We were lucky to have him in our family!

Goodbye Jaxx - we will always love you!

Today B and C surprised me with these amazing flowers. 

Keira and I had a girls night at the OG...

while Chase spent the night with the guys as Monster Jam.

Hope everyone has a fun Valentine's day weekend!

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