Sunday, May 8, 2016


Where to start. It has been a crazy spring with many snow storms and yet my garden is is amazing and in full bloom. 

I am happy to discover that overalls are back in! They are too cute. 

We celebrated my mom's birthday.  She is the most amazing and generous woman. I am lucky to have her and it was fun to celebrate with her. 

We have started trying to do more spontaneous fun things with the kids so we took them to an arcade mid-week. 

Chase hit one of the jackpots on a machine and won this funny stuffed animal. 

We decorated our mudroom and hallway. I love it!

Chase got the worst fortune cookie ever. 

Stark got a much needed haircut. 

We had a great mother's day weekend. We saw the new Captain America movie, got drunk on mimosas at Linger (oh wait that was just me), celebrated with the moms in our lives, worked in the garden, had bagels for breakfast, what more could a mom want. It has been great. 

Here is the adorable garden art monster I got. 

And B spoiled me with jewelry. I never tire of Tiffany...

Chase wrote me the sweetest note ever. 

Keira gifted me with a night of sleep last night!

And a random funny picture of Keira from daycare. 

Happy mother's day to all the amazing moms out there. I know how hard it is! A special happy mother's day to my own mom who is the best there is and inspires me to try to be as great as she is.  I love you mom!

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