Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Mountain Fun

We have been enjoying our break from city living. 

We celebrated a birthday - Happy Birthday Pearl!

Stark believes he is both a mountain dog and a lap dog. 

The Galaxy S7 Edge underwater camera worked really well.  It was a hoot.

We had a blast at the Rec Center pool. 

Lovely river view. 

Fourth of July Sparkler fun!  I love Fireworks. 

She is even Sassy when doing the most basic of activities haha.

Keira was nervous about the loud noises from some of the fireworks we did but thankfully she had Chase to snuggle. 

We even got in some water balloon fun!  The packs that fill quickly are worth every penny. 

Action shot of Chase dodging a balloon.

Other then the bugs the trip has been delightful. 

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