Today was Chase's 1 year birthday...
I can't believe how fast it has gone by. It feels like we were in the hospital with him just yesterday. I feel so lucky to be Chase's mom - there really isn't anything that can compare to a mother's love.
Some of my favorite things about the last year:
- Delivery itself - it was so exciting and amazing
- Holding Chase for the very first time
- Chase's tiny hands and feet
- The way Chase buries his face against me when he is giving me hugs
- Chase's open mouth kisses
- The Yum Yum dance
- Checking on Chase while he sleeps
- All of the firsts - rolling, crawling, walking, words, waving, etc.
- Naked baby after a bath
- Chase's soft fluffy hair
- The way babies smell
- How Chase loves tags more than anything else
- Watching my parents with Chase
- Pretty much just about everything!
I can't imagine going back to life before Chase....
3 years ago