Monday, June 11, 2012

Fifty Shades (of a typical romance novel)

I finished the Fifty Shades trilogy, here are my thoughts:
- I can't believe this is on all of the best seller lists (it is basically just a romance novel - who knew there were so many romance novel lovers out there?!)
- Honestly the three books could have been consolidated into one.  It was a bit drawn out and repetitive.
- If you have ever read the book Whitney My Love this story line is almost exactly the same (only the book isn't written as well).  It is just a modern version.  It follows the typical romance novel story line (rich sexy untouchable man with a bunch of baggage meets somewhat ordinary girl and is drawn to her for unknown reasons, after he actively pursues her they fall in love in a whirlwind romance, then they have to have some big blow up fight over something and the man has to come back after the realizes he can't live without the girl - whom he really fell in love with the first time they met and who has somehow touched the untouchable and saved his soul, then they have a bit of romantic bliss until girl gets pregnant and man doesn't react well - insert more fighting here, some kind of other event brings them back together and they live happily ever after).  I think I have read a zillion romance novels with the same or a very similar story - plus or minus the baby part.
- All that said if you are a romance novel reader you will enjoy the books (regular book readers maybe not for you?).

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