Friday, May 13, 2011

More House Updates

So as you can imagine there may be many house updates on my little blog in the next few months...

Boris went by the house today and they are working on the exterior.

All the electrical is already in! (Except of course they are already missing the dual shower head and 8 of the canned lights that they were suppose to have put in)...good thing we brought it up before they started putting up the dry wall.

The big surprise this week is that I went to pick out cabinet hardware and I when I got there I found out that "SURPRISE!!!" they didn't order the cabinets that they told us they had ordered (those are apparently going in next door). They actually had ordered the ones we wanted with the flat doors like in the model!!! I felt very lucky!

Here are the cabinet handles.

I am already pondering paint colors. I am thinking the yellow green color in the study and the dark brown as an accent wall in the living room. The middle color is the house paint color.

Oh and I found a picture of the carpets online.

Things are coming along - I even ordered a bunch of old comic books today to use to decorate Chase's "Superhero" room.

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